The Quiz Bucket

The Quiz Bucket

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Video Games

Nothing beats a relaxing day at home, chilling on the couch, curled up with your favorite video game to pass the time. Whether you prefer the PC or holding a console controller, you’re definitely an avid fan of the fantastical world found only in games! Find out what popular video game archetype you fit in with, based on this personality survey!

1 / 9

My favorite genre of game is:

2 / 9

These words resonate with me the most:

3 / 9

One of the first video games I've ever played:

4 / 9

Choose a console:

5 / 9

It's 5PM! Time to:

6 / 9

My favorite color's got to be:

7 / 9

I've been playing this recently:

8 / 9

If I was a video game character, this would be my victory spiel:

9 / 9

This is how I discover new games to play:

Want to find out what popular video game archetype you fit in with?

(Results will also be sent to your email)


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  • What's your energy type?

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