The Quiz Bucket

The Quiz Bucket

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Which Protagonist Archetype Are You?

Every compelling story is driven by an equally memorable protagonist. Considered the main driver of the story’s plot, the protagonist leads the charge in building both the world around them, and affecting change in other characters they come across. If you were in your own story, what type of protagonist would you be? Let’s find out!

1 / 10

I do my best to say something nice about somebody all the time

2 / 10

I enjoy having big responsibilities

3 / 10

I'm naturally friendly

4 / 10

I always want to get to the bottom of a mystery

5 / 10

I accept people for who they are, even if it's not to my liking

6 / 10

I'm often called the life of the party

7 / 10

I rarely get frightened or intimidated

8 / 10

I am often lost in my own thoughts

9 / 10

I want to fight for what's right, even if I make a scene

10 / 10

I enjoy the challenge of thinking of solutions to complex problems

Want to find out which protagonist archetype are you?

(Results will also be sent to your email)


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